Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Diary of Belle Edmondson

June, Saturday 25, 1864

The changes of life, how sad, oh! my heart how sad. A lively time until after breakfast, our little crowd began to scatter. Tate, Bro. Geo. Nannie, Mamie, Rob and Bet all left for Tupelo. Decatur and Jim left with them, Ebb started for Camp below Aberdeen. Maj. Crump and Helen called for a few moments, on their way to Oxford. I felt that my heart would break, may God protect and guide them both—grant their life may be happy, and no clouds gather in future over the bright present. Oh! Helen, my Sister, farewell, farewell. I have loved you when you little dreamed, even a thought was for you. Mother, oh Mother, hover near us, bind our hearts closer—God bless my dear Father, and his household.

Mary and I have had a very lonely time, John left after dinner, failed to get a wagon. I ironed for the first time this evening. Hal and Capt. Duke came over this evening, we will leave Monday for Tupelo, poor Mary, she will then indeed be lonely. Bro. Will and the boys retired early, Mary and I will soon follow suite, it is very oppresive , and oh! so lonely, so lonely. God have mercy on me—

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