Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson


June, Tuesday 21, 1864

I was up early this morning, waited for Capt. Duke some time before he arrived—we started, did not go far before we had to run in to Mrs. Martin’s out of a hard rain. I was mortified, for I had not called on Mollie, we staid about an hour, and spent it very pleasantly. Arrived at Mrs. Duke’s, Hal cut my dress for me, fited it, and help baiste . I never have any one to take an interest or help me with my sewing, and fully appreciate Hal’s kindness. It has been rainy and gloomy all day, no chance for outdoor enjoyment, so Tate and I against Hal and Capt. Duke, spent the evening playing Euchre—Lt. McConnell arrived from Tupelo about dark, unfortunate with his prisoners, they having made their escape the night before. Capt. Duke & I, vs Hal and Lt. Mc. had a nice game of Euchre—

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