Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Diary of Belle Edmondson

June, Sunday 19, 1864

A delightful day we have had, although it is Sunday. Jim, Decatur and John went over to see Hal this morning, Nannie came in with John Duke and went to Church, returned and spent the day with us. Robert came over and spent the day also—the boys came back to Dinner and we all had a gay time. Mr. Wilson came over after dinner, he and Helen went out to Aunt Mary’s to tea, Jim and Decatur went out to see Tate, but returned to Tea. John, Decatur, and Jim all left for Tupelo about 9 o’clock, a beautiful Moonlight for their trip. Mr. Wilson staid very late, 12 o’clock, he, Helen, Mary and I sat out in the moonlight and enjoyed it very much, he leaves at daylight for Oxford. Lt. McC. did not return from Tupelo. We are hourly expecting Maj. Crump & Eddie. Wrote home today, sent letter by Mr. Wilson, I hope to hear from home before leaving for Ga. God smile upon our Sunny land, bless my dear Father and Bros.

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