Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

Traveled two days and only 30 miles from home.

June, Monday 6, 1864

After all of our agreements &c about an early start, we did not get off until 8 o’clock, a terible , terible day we have had. Cold Water almost out of it’s banks, and still rising—the slews swiming—Mr. Wilson picked the way or we never would have gotten through. Arrived at Cold Water Station in time to eat our dinner and feed. Met with a Negro man, coming to Senatobia, gave him part of our baggage, had to go twenty miles out of the way, by Luxahoma to cross Hickey Hayley—We missed the road to Mrs. Wren’s home, had to travel until 8 o’clock, through Senatobia bottom after night, oh, how terible to think of. We never would have reached here had it not been for Mr. Wilson’s kindness—found old Mrs. Arnold ready to receive us, where we are all now ensconsed , Mrs. Wren fast asleep—Hal taking Chloroform. I beged her not to, but to no availe—I am all alone. Mr. Wilson and John both retired. We have glorious news from Va. Gen. Lee has repulsed Grant, with heavy loss. God grant it may be so. Traveled two days and only 30 miles from home. God bless my poor old Father, and his household.

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