Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

After some delay we had breakfast, bid all the servants and home folks good bye and got off at 8 o’clock..,

June, Sunday 5, 1864

This day has seemed a week to me—We had a very late start from home, Hal was first to wake, the sun was shining then, Laura sound asleep. After some delay we had breakfast, bid all the servants and home folks good bye and got off at 8 o’clock, poor Laura was greatly distressed. God guide her, and protect her from all harm—bless my poor old Father, and save him from such excitement as we are always exposed to—he came by Mr. Hudghins and got Hal’s things for her, met us at the burnt chimneys, came with us over Horn Lake Creek, to see us safe, then went on back to go to Church. Oh! how my heart ached to see my poor hoary headed Parent leave me. Oh! God have mercy, have mercy—We did not get to Mr. Boyd’s until 12 o’clock, rested about one hour, have traveled very slow all evening. Mr. Wilson is with us, we ate dinner at hurricane creek—have stoped for the night at Mr. Dennis’s, four miles below Hernando, a very nice place, and our horses well cared for. Sat up until 10 o’clock, very tired, and will certainly appreciate the nice, clean bed. God bless my Father’s household—

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