Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson

I believe everything is ready to leave now.

June, Saturday 4, 1864

This day has seemed like a month to me. I got up early and went to work to finish my white waiste , did not sew long before Hal came, on her way down to Dixie, we have been disapointed in getting Dr. Buntin to go with us, and Johnnie Armstrong is to be our escort to Pontotoc. Mrs. Wren will be with us to Senatobia. Mr. Seymour came this far with them, but returned to Memphis. Mr. Wilson came while they were here, did not have any late news, however we are confident of success, they are glorying over their victories from all points, yet say nothing with regard to the price of Gold. We had to disapoint Miss Tollison, Mr. Wilson carried the news. Hal and I each have a Spring wagon with our old Greys—I finished my waiste , my lunch fixed, and I believe everything is ready to leave now. We all sat in the Parlor after Tea—Father enjoyed the music very much. Sister Mary finished Helen’s Bridal Gown, came out to the room with it to pack. Hal is asleep, Laura, Tippie Dora and I awake, I am very sad in thinking it is the last night in some time—

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