Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.


Charles Lynch

July 23d. Routed out early this morning. Picket firing has commenced. Our boys are driving the enemy. We advance in line of battle for quite a distance through the open lots, coming to a halt at Kearnstown, going right at work digging rifle pits and throwing up earthworks. Our regiment ordered out on the skirmish line. Later, orders received to fall back and prepare camp for the night. At this time I am barefoot, shoes and stockings worn out. No prospect for any more as we are on the march about all the time. My feet are very sore as I must go through stubs and briers, cannot pick my way, must keep in line. Many of the boys are also in the same condition as I am, no shoes or stockings. Try to keep up courage.

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