Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.


Charles Lynch

July 5th. At daylight this morning the boat got under way, pushing on up the great Ohio. Passed the towns, Middlesport, Pomeroy, Syracuse, on the Ohio side, and Hartford, West Virginia. The farther up the river we go, have more trouble with low water. Sand bars are many. Again obliged to wade ashore. Later, go on board a smaller boat. It seems to make good time as it pushes along. Reported the boat will push along all night. This will close our second day on the water. A very pleasant and interesting trip. A good rest, good food, and very plenty. We are now in good condition, ready for duty. This will no doubt be our last night on board the boat. Another good rest, provided all things go well with us during the night.

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