Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.


Charles Lynch

June 28th. Again on the march this hot, muggy morning. Still climbing the mountains. After a march, about twelve miles, came to a halt. Do not know the name of this section of Virginia. At this point rations are piled up by the roadside. Waiting for our turn to be supplied, which was slow work. Becoming impatient and could not wait, some of the boys made a raid on the supplies, helped themselves. After a good feed of bacon, hardtack, and coffee, we felt much better. After a short rest we are again on the march, taking more interest in the mountains and scenery. After a march reported to be nine miles, we camp for the night well up the mountains. Don’t know the name of the place. Reported we are headed for the New River and Gauley Bridge, West Virginia.

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