Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.


Charles Lynch

June 3d. In camp near Harrisonburg. Sat up very late last night watching the Signal Corps using rockets and roman candles. A wonderful sight. Reported General Hunter is trying to get in communication with General Crook who is in the mountains making for Staunton, the same point that we are headed for. Hospital in town, containing a few wounded Union soldiers. Held as prisoners, were re-captured. Among them was Charlie Avery, a member of our company, wounded through the chest. He surprised us by coming into our camp asking for his brother Jim, also a member of our company. Up to this time we did not know whether he was alive. Could not remain with us, was obliged to return to the hospital. The weather hot, muggy, with heavy rain storms. Our shelter tents are poor protection in these hard storms, as the rain pours down. We try to keep as dry and as comfortable as we can. The boys keep in good spirits and do not growl very much.

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