Private.] . . . . . . . . . . .[STATE OF FLORIDA,] . . . . . . . . EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, January 10, 1861. Hon. JNO. C. McGEHEE, President of the Convention: SIR: The inclosed dispatch has this morning reached me, and I hasten to transmit it through you to the Convention. [...]
FORT JOHNSTON, N. C., January 10, 1861–11 o’clock a. m. SIR: I respectfully wish to state that the party of citizens who took possession of Forts Johnston and Caswell yesterday has perceived their error. It seems that they were not sustained by the people which brought them into it, or caused them to create such [...]
WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, January 9, 1861. Hons. D. L. YULEE and S. R. MALLORY: GENTLEMEN: In reply to your note of the 2d instant I have the honor to state that the interests of the service forbid that the information which you ask should at this moment be made public. Very, &c., J. HOLT, Secretary [...]
FORT JOHNSTON, N. C., January 9, 1861–9 o’clock a. m. SIR : I have the honor to report herewith that this post has been taken possession of this morning at 4 o’clock a. m. by a party of the citizens of Smithville, N. C. They came to my door at the time above stated and [...]
FORT SUMTER, S.C., January 9, 1861. (Received A. G. O., January 12.) Col. S. COOPER, Adjutant General: COLONEL: I have the honor to send herewith the correspondence which took place to-day between the governor of South Carolina and myself in relation to the firing by his batteries on a vessel bearing our flag. Lieutenant Talbot, [...]
BARRANCAS BARRACKS, FLA., January 8, 1861. SIR: There are rumors that the citizens of Florida and Alabama intend taking possession of the fortifications in this harbor. They have already taken those at Mobile and Savannah. I am stationed with one company (G, First Artillery) at Barrancas Barracks, having also Fort Barrancas in charge. There are [...]
[STATE OF ALABAMA,] EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, January 8, 1861. Hon. WILLIAM M. BROOKS, President of the Convention of the State of Alabama: In reply to a verbal communication from the body over which you preside, made by one of its members, I make the following statement: My information in regard to Pensacola is that Governor Perry, [...]
WASHINGTON, January 7, 1861. JOSEPH FINEGAN, Esq. [Tallahassee, Fla.]: MY DEAR SIR: On the other side [following] is a copy of resolutions adopted at a consultation of the Senators from the seceding States, in which Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, Mississippi, and Florida were present. The idea of the meeting was that the States should [...]
WASHINGTON, Tuesday morning, January 8, 1861. His Excellency F. W. PICKENS, Governor of South Carolina, Charleston, S.C.: The Star of the West sailed from New York on Sunday with Government troops and provisions. It is said her destination is Charleston. If so, she may be hourly expected off the harbor of Charleston. LOUIS T. WIGFALL.
SENATE CHAMBER, January 7, 1861. Hon. SECRETARY OF WAR: SIR: We addressed a letter to your Department a week past, asking certain information interesting to be known to us in connection with our public duty, and not having received a reply we beg leave to call your attention to it, and to ask as early [...]
SAINT AUGUSTINE, EAST FLORIDA, January 7, 1861. SIR: I am obliged to perform what is to me a painful duty, viz, to report to the Chief of Ordnance that all the military stores at this place were seized this morning by the order of the governor of the State of Florida. A Company of volunteer [...]
U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, Savannah, January 7, 1861. GENERAL : I have to report that on the 3d instant, being at Fort Clinch, I received a telegram from my clerk informing me that troops of the State of Georgia were moving to occupy Fort Pulaski, by order of the governor. I replied by telegraph, directing [...]
U.S. ARSENAL, CHATTAHOOCHEE, FLA., January 6, 1861. SIR: I have the honor herewith to inclose a copy of the order given to Colonel Dunn, the commander of the troops which took possession of this arsenal. I telegraphed this morning to you. ……….I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, E. POWELL, Ordnance Sergeant, U. S. [...]
CHATTAHOOCHEE, January 6, 1861. The arsenal has been taken possession of by the State this morning, 7 o’clock. My forces too weak to defend it. I have refused keys of magazine and armory. Answer, with instructions. E. POWELL, U. S. Arsenal. Captain MAYNADIER, Chief Ordnance Department.
QUINCY, FLA., January 6, 1861. SIR: I beg leave to state that I telegraphed this morning from Chattahoochee, and finding that I could get no answer, I came to this place and thought probably I might get an answer from you by writing from here. I informed you that the Florida troops had taken possession [...]
FORT SUMTER, S.C., January 6, 1861. Col. S. COOPER, Adjutant-General: COLONEL: Through the courtesy of Governor Pickens I am enabled to make this communication, which will be taken to Washington by my brother, Larz Anderson, esq. I have the honor to report my command in excellent health and in fine spirits. We are daily adding [...]
WASHINGTON, January 5, 1861. JOSEPH FINEGAN, Esq., or Col. GEO. W. CALL [Tallahassee, Fla.]: MY DEAR SIR: The immediately important thing to be done is the occupation of the forts and arsenal in Florida. The naval station and forts at Pensacola are first in consequence. For this a force is necessary. I have conversed with [...]
Mobile, January 5, 1861. DEAR SIR: I have been superseded by Colonel Todd, of the Militia of Alabama, and he took and receipted for all the property belonging to the Ordnance Department and fort. I wait for orders from the Adjutant-General. ……….I am, very respectfully, S. PATTERSON, Ordnance Sergeant, U. S. Army. The ADJUTANT-GENERAL.
HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMY, Washington, January 4, 1861 Maj. ZEALOUS B. TOWER, U.S. Engineer Corps: SIR: With this you will receive an order assigning you to duty according to your brevet rank, and placing you under my command. You will proceed without delay to the Barrancas and assume the command of the troops and [...]
MOUNT VERNON ARSENAL, January 4, 1861. SIR: I have the honor to inform you that this arsenal was taken possession of by four companies of volunteers from Mobile at daylight this morning. I did not make, nor could I have made, any resistance, as they had scaled the walls and taken possession before I knew [...]
. NEW YORK, January 4, 1861. Lieut. Gen. WINFIELD SCOTT, Washington, D. C.: DEAR GENERAL: I had an interview with Mr. Schultz at 8 o’clock last evening, and found him to be, as you supposed, the commission, and together we visited Mr. M O. Roberts. The latter looks exclusively to the dollars, whilst Mr. S. [...]
EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Montgomery, Ala., January 4 [?], 1861. To his Excellency JAMES BUCHANAN, President of the United States: SIR: In a spirit of frankness I hasten to inform you by letter that by my order Fort Morgan and Fort Gaines, and the United States Arsenal at Mount Vernon were on yesterday (*) peacefully occupied, and [...]
HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMY Washington, January 4, 1861. Captain MEIGS, U. S. Engineers: SIR: With this letter you will receive one hundred muskets and accouterments complete, with one hundred rounds of cartridges for each musket, to be used in defense of Fort Jefferson if you can find hands to use them. Major Arnold with [...]
ORDNANCE OFFICE, Washington, D.C., January 3, 1861. Hon. J. HOLT, Secretary of War: SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the reference to this office of a letter from the honorables Messrs. Yulee and Mallory, of the Senate, dated 2d instant, and, in compliance with their request, to report that there is only one [...]
WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, January 3, 1861. Hon. DAVID CLOPTON, House of Representatives: SIR : I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 15th ultimo, asking for the plat and plan of the magazines at Mount Vernon Arsenal, Alabama. In reply, I have to say that I would cheerfully comply with [...]