News of the Day


New York Herald, May 27, 1860

The Union ticket appears to be making great headway in the South, and the opposition papers are all warmly taking it up—a course to which they are encouraged by the unfortunate events at Charleston. If the split should not be healed in the democratic party, and if an extreme fire-eater should be nominated on an extreme platform at Richmond, and Douglas should be nominated at Baltimore, the Bell and Everett ticket will poll a heavy vote in the South, probably carrying several States. At the same time it will take away largely from the republican strength in the conservative and Middle States, defeating Lincoln in some of them, and thus, perhaps, throwing the election into the House of Representatives. The republican journals are greatly alarmed at the prospect. As for the democrats, it is impossible their candidate can be elected by the people, unless they unite and present a single ticket, with good men and true, who will run well not only at the South, but in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York.

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