“HD. QRS. Armies C. States,
“13 Feb., 1865.
“I had yesterday the honor to receive your letter of the 4th inst., recommending the assignment of Genl. Jos. E. Johnston to the command of the Army of Tennessee. The three corps of that Army have been ordered to So. Ca., and are now under the command of Gent. Beauregard, two of them having already arrived in that Deptmt. I entertain a high opinion of Gen. Johnston’s capacity, but think a continued change of commanders is very injurious to any troops, and tends greatly to their disorganization. At this time as far as I understand the condition of affairs, an engagement with the enemy may be expected any day, and a change now would be particularly hazardous. Genl. Beauregard is well known to the citizens of So. Ca., as well as to the troops of the Army of Tennessee, and I would recommend that it be certainly ascertained that a change was necessary, before it was made.
“I do not consider that my appt. as Gen. in chief of the Armies of the C. States, confers the right which you assume belongs to it, nor is it proper that it should. I can only employ such troops and Officers as may be placed at my disposal by the War Dpt. Those withheld or relieved from service are not at my disposal.
“I have the honor to be,
“Your most obdt. svt.,
“R. E. LEE,
“Honble. A. H. Stephens,
Honl. A. E. Maxwell,&c.,