March 5, 1865. The 17th and all our corps, except our division, have crossed the river. We follow in the morning. The enemy did not attempt to oppose us. The boys say that an intercepted dispatch from Hampton to General Butler reads: “Do not attempt to delay Sherman’s march by destroying bridges, or any other [...]
Sunday, 5th–The First Division of the Seventeenth Corps crossed the river last evening after dark and drove the rebels back. Our engineers then laid the pontoons and the troops began crossing at once. Our brigade passed through the town and crossed the river at noon and then continued our march for seven miles, when we [...]
March 5th. While on duty out in the lots and woods, we see many wild animals such as foxes, fox and gray squirrels. Some of the boys cannot resist the temptation to shoot them, which they dress and boil and eat. Our routine of duty is kept up.
5th. Sunday. Saddled up early but did not move out. One hundred men pulled down the burned bridges. More destruction of R. R. Went out with forage detail. Camped under the hill on which is the home of Thomas Jefferson. Rations and ammunition.
March 5. – I have just read President Lincoln’s second inaugural address. It only takes five minutes to read it but, oh, how much it contains. The tender words with which President Lincoln closed this inaugural address were as follows:– “If we shall suppose that American slavery is one of those offences which in the [...]
March 5th.–Bright and cool; some frost this morning. I saw an officer yesterday from Early’s command. He said the enemy entered Charlottesville on Friday at half-past two o’clock P.M., between 2000 and 3000 strong, cavalry, and had made no advance at the latest accounts. He says Gen. Early, when last seen, was flying, and pursued [...]
March 5th, 1865.—It seems we are not to be captured by McCook after all. Over the signal stations between the Light House and Tallahassee a message came this morning. Gunboats are around the light house and colored troops are landing and are now on the way to Tallahassee via Newport. Such excitement I never saw; [...]
March 5th.–Is the sea drying up? Is it going up into mist and coming down on us in a water-spout? The rain, it raineth every day. The weather typifies our tearful despair, on a large scale. It is also Lent now–a quite convenient custom, for we, in truth, have nothing to eat. So we fast [...]