Monday, 13th–Our corps started out at 7 o’clock this morning and after destroying twenty-six miles of railroad, marched fifteen miles, on the State road from Charleston to Columbia, and went into camp. This is the finest road over which we have marched in all the South; it had mile posts and our division commander must [...]
Twenty-four miles southeast of Columbia, S. C., February 13, 1865. Made 18 miles to-day. Rear guard for the corps in the morning, but the 2d and 3d Divisions took a right hand road and in the p.m. the 4th Division also went to the right. We followed a cow path to camp. Passed through two [...]
13th. Batt. drill in P. M. Read a general order in regard to the duties of sentinels and soldiers off duty. Read “St. Ronan’s Well.” Thede brought it up to me. Letter from home.
February 13th.–Coldest morning of the winter. My exposure to the cold wind yesterday, when returning from the department, caused an attack of indigestion, and I have sufferred much this morning from disordered stomach and bowels. From Northern papers we learn that Gen. Grant’s demonstration last week was a very formidable effort to reach the South [...]
“HD. QRS. Armies C. States, “13 Feb., 1865. “Gentlemen: “I had yesterday the honor to receive your letter of the 4th inst., recommending the assignment of Genl. Jos. E. Johnston to the command of the Army of Tennessee. The three corps of that Army have been ordered to So. Ca., and are now under the [...]
“13 Feb., 1865. “HON. LOUIS T. WIGFALL, “Richmond, Va.” “Dear Sir: “I am here sick—laid up on the way—was taken quite unwell night before last, but am better now and hope to be able to go on tomorrow. I am about thirteen miles from Charlotte on the road to Columbia. I drop you a line [...]