Sunday, 5th–The atmosphere is clear and it is getting quite warm. We remained in our rifle pits all day, but had to put up our shelter tents, for we actually suffered from the heat. All is quiet in front. We had company inspection this morning and dress parade in the evening. We drew two days’ [...]
5th. Sunday. Spent the day in quarters reading Independent, Testament and a story. Windy.
Twelve miles south of Johnston’s Summit, Augusta and Branchville Railroad, February 5, 1865. They call the stations on this road “turnouts.” Negroes are swarming into our camps. I never heard a negro use the word “buckra” until last night. One of the 97th Indiana was killed this morning while foraging close to camp. Our men [...]
February 5th.–Clear and cold. Our commissioners are back again! It is said Lincoln and Seward met them at Fortress Monroe, and they proceeded no further. No basis of negotiation but reconstruction could be listened to by the Federal authorities. How could it be otherwise, when their armies are marching without resistance from one triumph to [...]
February 5th.—Arrived at home very unexpectedly to all, about 9 P. M. after having marched nine days and over a distance of about two hundred miles. The weather was freezing cold during our two-hundred mile homeward march. The shoes I had drawn from Confederate States Government were so short I could not bear my feet [...]