Saturday, 4th–We remained in line of battle all night, not being allowed to build any fires. This morning we moved out about two miles nearer the upper bridge, the rebels having left the vicinity during the night. We remained here, fortifying the bridge. Our teams and batteries came across the bridge this morning. General Mower’s [...]
Buford’s Bridge, north side Salkehatchie River, February 4, 1865. Most unaccountably, to me, the Rebels evacuated an impregnable position (if there is such a thing), and our brigade was saved thereby from making some more history, for which I am grateful. A straight pike or causeway three quarters of a mile long and in which [...]
February 4th.–Clear, but rained last night. From the South we learn that Sherman is marching on Branchville, and that Beauregard is at Augusta. The great struggle will be in Virginia, south of Richmond, and both sides will gather up their forces for that event. We can probably get men enough, if we can feed them. [...]
“C. S. SENATE CHAMBER, “4th February, 1865. “GENL. R. E. LEE. “Sir: The undersigned beg leave earnestly but respectfully to recommend the assignment of Genl. Joseph E. Johnston to the command of the troops lately composing the Army of Tennessee. We are induced to make this suggestion by information derived from such sources as to [...]