December 2024

Through Some Eventful Years

Susa Bradford Eppes
Through Some Eventful Years by Susan Bradford Eppes

December 26th, 1864.—Christmas was truly delightful. The joy of the children, at sight of the beautiful tree and toys fully compensated us for the time spent in their manufacture. Such exclamations of delight; such squeals of joy; as they received the gifts and realized that the blockade had not kept old Santa out. I never [...]

Christmas tears.

Dolly Sumner Lunt Burge – A Woman’s Wartime Journal.

December 25, 1864. Sadai jumped out of bed very early this morning to feel in her stocking. She could not believe but that there would be something in it. Finding nothing, she crept back into bed, pulled the cover over her face, and I soon heard her sobbing. The little negroes all came in: “Christmas [...]


Charles Lynch
Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.

December 25th. Christmas at Halltown. We hope this will be our last Christmas in the service, and that the war will soon be over. We write many letters and receive a large mail every day, coming from Harper’s Ferry. All our shacks have small stoves, so that we use much of our time cutting wood. [...]

Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft.

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

Dec 25th 1864 We get Shermans official Dispatch this morning. He has taken Savannah without a fight. The Rebel Army escaped. Large Stores of all kinds, near 200 Cannon and 25000 Bales of Cotton fell into our hands. Charleston and Willmington must follow soon, and then I think that Sherman will have to come and [...]

Downing’s Civil War Diary.–Alexander G. Downing.

Diary of Alexander G. Downing; Company E, Eleventh Iowa Infantry

Saturday, 24th–General Foster’s command is still in pursuit of the fleeing rebels through South Carolina. They had an encounter yesterday with them, in which the rebels were completely routed. General Foster was wounded in the fight and was brought into town this morning. General Sherman[1] reviewed the Fifteenth Army Corps this morning. We had company [...]

The Yankees found Mrs. Glass’s china and glassware that she had buried in a box, broke it all up…,

Dolly Sumner Lunt Burge – A Woman’s Wartime Journal.

December 22, 1864. Tuesday, the nineteenth of the month, I attended Floyd Glass’s wedding. She was married in the morning to Lieutenant Doroughty. She expected to have been married the week after the Yankees came, but her groom was not able to get here. Some of the Yankees found out in some way that she [...]

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney.

22nd. Marched at 5:30. The most uncomfortable day I ever passed. 45 2nd Ohio men with frozen feet. Much suffering throughout the division. Wind blew the snow right through us. Camped in rear of old infantry line, in awful place, with no wood. Boys went for fences about Hdqrs. Col. Pennington threatened to shoot some [...]