August 2024

A Diary From Dixie.

A Diary From Dixie by Mary Boykin Miller Chesnut.

August 14th.–We have conflicting testimony. Young Wade Hampton, of Joe Johnston’s staff, says Hood lost 12,000 men in the battles of the 22d[1] and 24th, but Brewster, of Hood’s staff, says not three thousand at the utmost. Now here are two people strictly truthful, who tell things so differently. In this war people see the [...]


Charles Lynch
Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.

August 13th. Early this morning our regiment took position in line, having been relieved from picket and skirmish duty. We can see the enemy over on the hills near Strasburg. Skirmish fighting is kept up between the lines during the day. We watch one another from the hills. Both sides open up once in a [...]


Charles Lynch
Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.

August 12th. When near the enemy we are always routed out very early in the morning before daylight, in line to guard against a surprise. A hot dry morning. On the march across country. At noon, stopped near Cedar Creek for rations and a rest. Soon we began to advance in line, to the left [...]

Diary of a Southern Refugee, Judith White McGuire.

Diary of a Southern Refugee During the War by Judith White McGuire

August 11.—Sheridan’s and Early’s troops are fighting in the Valley. We suffered a disaster near Martinsburg, and our troops fell back to Strasburg; had a fight on the old battle-ground at Kernstown, and we drove the enemy through Winchester to Martinsburg, which our troops took possession of. Poor Winchester, how checkered its history throughout the [...]


Charles Lynch
Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.

August 11th. Early on the march. A hot dry morning. Passed on through Berryville, pushing south through open lots and woods. Skirmishing on the extreme right, at Stony Point. A hot, hard, day’s march. Suffered very much for water. After marching about twenty miles, late tonight came to a halt near a large spring. Many [...]