Tuesday, June 25, 2024

…straggling soldiers, deserters, absentees, and parties grouped together under the name and guise of "independent scouts"…


General Orders, No.2 Hdqrs. Dept. of W. Va. and E. Tenn.1 Abingdon, Va., June 25, 1864 I. The brigadier-general commanding is informed of the disgraceful manner in which straggling soldiers, deserters, absentees, and parties grouped together under the name and guise of “independent scouts” have been depredating upon the private rights and property of peaceful [...]

Civil War Irregulars: Rangers, Scouts, Guerrillas, and Others, War of the Rebellion: from the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies and Navies

Diary of Belle Edmondson


June, Saturday 25, 1864 The changes of life, how sad, oh! my heart how sad. A lively time until after breakfast, our little crowd began to scatter. Tate, Bro. Geo. Nannie, Mamie, Rob and Bet all left for Tupelo. Decatur and Jim left with them, Ebb started for Camp below Aberdeen. Maj. Crump and Helen [...]

Diaries and Letters of Belle Edmondson


Charles Lynch

June 25th. After an all night’s march we stopped to rest at a place known as Dry Run, near the White Sulphur Springs. Another severe march over bad mountain roads. Up to this morning reported we marched eighteen miles. Passed many horses and mules down and out. Poor things must be shot. Must die for [...]

Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch, 18th Conn. Vol’s.