Springfield, Ills. June 5, 1860
Hon. L. Trumbull
My dear Sir: Yours of May 31, inclosing Judge Read’s letter, is received.
I see by the papers this morning, that Mr. Fillmore refuses to go with us. What do the New-Yorkers at Washington think of this? Gov. Reeder was here last evening direct from Pennsylvania. He is entirely confident of that state, and of the general result. I do not remember to have heard Gen. Cameron’s opinion of Penn. Weed was here, and saw me; but he showed no signs whatever of the intriguer. He asked for nothing; and said N.Y. is safe, without condition.
Remembering that Peter denied his Lord with an oath, after most solemnly protesting that he never would, I will not swear I will make no committals; but I do think I will not.
Write me often. I look with great interest for your letters now.
Yours as ever,
A. Lincoln