News of the Day


1860s newsprint

Standard [Clarksville, TX], May 5, 1860

 We have before us the Prospectus of a new paper to be published in Tyler, Smith county, which reads as follows:

The States-Rights Sentinel.

The publication of a Weekly Paper with the above title, devoted to News, Politics, Literature and the Domestic Interests of our Section, will be commenced by the subscribers, in the town of Tyler, Smith County, Texas, about the first of June next. It is the design of the Publishers to combine every requisite necessary to constitute this an interesting and readable Family Newspaper.

Democratic in sentiment, the “Sentinel” will advocate a strict construction of the “Constitution,” accepting as a basis for the final adjustment of the Slavery Question, the principles embodied in the “Dred Scott” decision. And while it will take a firm stand in defence of the reserved rights of the States, no ultra views will find a place in its columns.

It will contain a weekly summary of the most important items of Foreign and Domestic Intelligence, but will be more especially devoted to the interests of our own county and section of the State.

“The States-Rights Sentinel” will be printed on clear, white paper, and will equal in size and appearance the best papers in the State.


$2.50 per annum, if paid in advance; $3.00 at the expiration of six months; $3.50 at the end of the year.

Ten copies sent to the same office, if paid for in advance, for twenty dollars; or five for eleven dollars and twenty-five cents.

H. Smith,
Miller Johnson.
Tyler, April 5th, 1860.

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