March 15, 1863, The New York Herald
A telegram was received in Washington yesterday from General Rosecrans, stating that information had reached him of the evacuation of Vicksburg by the rebels. It was known that they have been for some time past moving their stores into the interior, but it was thought at Washington that they had no time to abandon the place so soon, and that therefore General Rosecrans’ information is premature. That such a movement is contemplated all the indications render probable.
A despatch from Memphis says that Admiral Porter received intelligence that Yazoo City was captured and the rebel fleet destroyed by the Yazoo expedition. It is probable that General Quinby’s division, on its return from Young’s Point, has gone to reinforce the expedition on the Yazoo. Our latest reports last night from Memphis prepare us for some great results at Vicksburg, eventuating from the possession of Yazoo City. The capitulation or abandonment of the great rebel stronghold at any moment seems a matter of certainty.
General Hunter’s army at Port Royal is about to move on some important expedition, if we can judge from the order just issued by the Commanding General to his soldiers, in which he says that after long and weary delays, due to causes over which no one in his department had control, they have at length the cheering prospect of active and very important service.
There is nothing later from General Hooker’s army.
The British steamship Australasian, from Liverpool, brought on freight 508 bales of cotton.