News of the Day

The Scalp Hunters.

Navarro Express
Corsicana, Texas
May 8, 1860

The following letter to Wm. A. Lockhart, Esq., explains itself. Those desiring to engage in such an enterprise could not select a more daring leader than Colonel Crawford:
Washington, Texas, May 4, 1861.
Dear Bill: I am raising a company of [illegible] men to go to Montgomery, Ala., to be tendered to the Secretary of War, to operate on the Virginia or Kentucky frontier. The parade uniform of the company will be a buckskin hunting shirt—straight breast—metal buttons, band at the waist, skirt to reach within two inches of the knees, leggins of the same material, to reach to the crotch; coat and leggins to be fringed, and moccasin shoes. The arms are a Colt’s revolver and Colt’s revolving rifle. The rifles can be got in New Orleans as we pass through, also the buckskin for those who cannot find it here. Each man will also be required to pay into the hands of the treasurer of the company $100, to pay the necessary traveling expenses of the company. A company so armed and equipped will be sure to get service, and I am of opinion our expenses will be paid by the Secretary of War, and that we will be mounted by him. The company to rendezvous and leave Hempstead on the 24th inst.
I need scarcely to say that there are few men that I would prefer to have along than yourself. Let me hear from you, and if you find any of the boys of the right sort, that can make the outfit, and will be sure to come up all right, send me their names, but send the names of no doubtful ones. The name of the company is “the Scalp Hunters.”
Yours truly,
Wash. Crawford.
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