March 31, 1863, Peoria Morning Mail (Illinois)
The signs of the times clearly indicate that the people of the Northern States are moving, and that we are in the midst of a great conservative, political revolution, which is destined to sweep every vestige of republicanism into oblivion.The movement which was inaugurated last fall, in the great States of Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio. Indiana, and Wisconsin, has been augmenting in strength from day to day.The people of Maine have felt the invigorating influence of the conservative spirit, and another year will see that State free from the clutches of abolition misrule, and Connecticut is about to put the seal of condemnation upon a weak and imbecile administration.
The town elections which have thus far been held in various parts of the country, give evidence of the truth of our assertion that the people are moving, for they have resulted in unprecedented democratic victories and gains, astonishing to the abolitionists as they are gratifying to the true friends of the Union and the Constitution.
Wherever democratic meetings have been held, thither have the people flocked in untold numbers, and instances are not rare where democrats have walked a distance of twenty or thirty miles to attend them.Old men who had discarded politics and settled down to spend the remnant of their days in peace and quietude, are again buckling on their armor, and going forth to fight their battles o’er again, and young men are entering the political arena, casting their first vote for the party which for over sixty years has maintained the integrity and honor of the American Union.
This general uprising is deeply significant.On the one hand it exhibits the fact that the great heart of the people is right–that we are conservative and deeply and sincerely attached to the Union as it was framed by our Fathers, and are loyal to the Constitution and the laws.On the other, that the administration of President Lincoln is an entire failure, and there is but faint hope of a restoration of the Union under its present reckless, unconstitutional and illiberal policy.
Friends of the Union and the Constitution, take courage!Whilst you are giving the Government all the Constitutional aid in your power towards putting down the rebellion lose not sight of those important political questions which are now agitating the nation–and which with the success of the Democratic party are the only safety to the Republic.