May 9, 1863, The Charleston Mercury
The smoke of battle is slowly lifting from the famous banks of the Rappahannock, and the scene reveals another signal triumph, to be added to the long list of victories, which have illustrated the prowess of the Southern troops. Scanty as are the accounts that reach us of the movements and details of the conflict, we know enough to convince us of the gratifying character of the general results. The […..] army on the planet,’ with Fighting Joe HOOKER at it head, has once more been hurled back by the invincible veterans of LEE. The fields of Spotsylvania have again been reddened with the blood and strewn with the bones of the invaders, and ten thousand of the insolent Northern host will go, captives, to the Richmond they had hoped to enter, as conquerors. Let us thank God that, heavy as has been the cost, a great victory has been won, which will heighten the fame of our cause, at home and abroad, and send new dismay to the hearts of our enemies everywhere.