February 8, 1861; The New York Herald
Accounts from Charleston to the 4th inst., state that Major Anderson has been permitted by the State authorities to obtain supplies of fresh provisions from that city. It would appear that the chief reason why Major Anderson has not heretofore obtained supplies from Charleston is, that the dealers there would not make a contract, fearing, as is alleged, personal violence from their fellow citizens. The garrison at Fort Sumter were in cheerful spirits, and full prepared for any emergency. The State troops were actively engaged in preparations for an attack upon the fort.
The delegates to the Peace Convention at Washington waited in a body upon the President yesterday. No representatives of the press were admitted to the interview, and we have, therefore, no account of what was said on the occasion.
Both branches of Congress were engaged yesterday in discussing the crisis. In the Senate Mr. Wigfall, of Texas, made a speech in reply to the remarks of Mr. Johnson, of Tennessee. It is reported that a duel is likely to take place between these two Senators. In the House speeches were made by Henry Winter Davis, of Maryland, and others. Mr. Corwin stated that he should not move to close the debate until a week from today.
In the United State Circuit Court yesterday the case of Gordon Hires, charged with the murder of six negroes, part of the crew of the bark Anna, was resumed and concluded, and the jury, after deliberating three quarters of an hour, rendered a verdict of manslaughter against the accused. The circumstances of the case have already been detailed.