January 19, 1861, The New York Herald
The steamship Asia, from Liverpool 5th and Queenstown 6th inst., arrived at Quarantine last evening, but owing to the quantity of ice in the bay she did not come up.
Our accounts from South Carolina are rather more pacific than usual, owing, as it is said, to the pressure excited at Washington by the secessionists there. Colonel Hayne has not yet presented his propositions to the President. He awaits further instructions from his government. Governor Pickens has concluded to allow Major Anderson to obtain such supplies as he may require from Charleston, and his mail communications are again open.
The steamship Marion, Captain Adkins arrived yesterday morning from Charleston, had on board, as passengers, three laborers from fort Sumter and twenty three free colored persons. As to the condition of the parties in fort Sumter, we learn that they are in good spirits, number seventy five men rank and file, and twenty five laborers, have plenty of provisions and water, and a scarcity only of fresh provisions, which, however, they are now at liberty to procure from Charleston as formerly.