War of the Rebellion: from the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies and Navies

The Hampton Legion

Columbia, May 8, 1861.
His Excellency President Davis:
My Dear Sir: I see that you make a call for 3,000 more troops from this State, and I write to say that if you think it desirable I can easily add to the strength of the Legion . In answer to my call , made on the 2d instant, there have already been offers of more than double the number of companies asked for . I can, therefore, easily increase the infantry companies of the Legion, and have a full regiment, if you wish it. My only doubt was as to the infantry, as I knew that 10,000 men were now in camp and 2,000 in Virginia , but the response has been most prompt and gratifying. Of cavalry, more than enough to fill the Legion has offered.
I have not accepted any companies yet, and I propose to inspect all in a few days, selecting the best. I hope thus, in a very short time, to be able to present to Your Excellency a corps of which my State will never be ashamed. I can easily, I think, have several more infantry companies, if you wish them . Any number can be had if they can only feel assured that their steps are to be turned north ward. The terms on which companies enter this service you will see by the inclosed paper.
With my best wishes, I am , very respectfully, your obedient servant,
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