Standard [Clarksville, TX], August 4, 1860
Writer in the Union of the 5th, [illegible] Panola county.
The drouth has prevailed in our section of country since the 18th February, with the exception of two showers which [illegible] settled the dust. Notwithstanding the severity of the drouth, we broke up our ground and planted our corn, which did fair for a large yield until the last three or four weeks; after then they have entirely failed.
A large number of our citizens are preparing to abandon their homes with their families and stock to some point where there are provisions to keep them alive.
Many are already destitute of either meat or bread, and are bound to suffer unless speedy relief is had; for there is neither money nor corn in our county.
Our citizens contemplate holding a meeting on Friday next, to petition the Governor to call the Legislature together to provide help for the suffering, and advise that the collection of debts for the present be stopped.
There are men in the county who have offered to hire out negro men and women until next Christmas a year, for their victuals and clothing. Hogs are daily dying for the want of food.