February 8, 1861; Richmond Enquirer
Governor Letcher, accompanied by Col. Mumford, Secretary of the Commonwealth, and the Adjutant General, visited the Armory on Wednesday, and made a minute inspection of every department thereof.
The Governor and suite arrived at the Armory at half past nine o’clock, and were received in true military style by Captain Dimmock, Lieutenants Gay and Kerr, and the men under their command. The guard, headed by the Armory Band, were drawn up on the parade ground, and when the Governor made his appearance they presented arms, and when were reviewed by him, and subsequently passed in review in common and quick time. The review being over, the Lieutenant commanding the parade presented himself before the Governor to ascertain his further wishes, whereupon the Governor expressed himself much pleased, and said that he intended to present the command with a flag for the use of the Armory, for which the Lieutenant expressed his thanks.
As the Governor was on his way to the armory in company with Captain Dimmock and the officials above mentioned, he asked the Captain if he had a flag hoisted, to which the Captain replied he had received no orders about the flag he was to hoist, and thereupon the Governor said, I now give you the order to hoist the State flag, (an order which was promptly carried out, for Captain Dimmock having none such at hand, immediately sent to the Capitol and procured one, and before the Governor got through with his inspection the glorious banner of this glorious State was floating proudly in the breeze from the flag-staff over the main gate.)