News of the Day

Steam tugboats to be fitted out as privateers.

Letter from Henry Wenzell, esq., of Boston, to Secretary of the Navy, forwarding information of the fitting out of privateers at New Orleans.

Boston, May 23, 1861.
Dear Sir: To-day an item of intelligence has come to my knowledge that may or may not be important, and that as a loyal citizen I feel it my duty to communicate, though I have not the honor of being known by you.
To-day an acquaintance received a letter from his brother, resident in New Orleans, dated the 16th instant, in which he reports the fitting out at that place by a stock company of the steam tugboat Enoch Train1 as a privateer; also reports that nine other vessels were being fitted for that purpose at Algiers, on the opposite side of the river. This letter he has loaned to a Mr. Kimball, said to be part owner of the Enoch Train, who starts this evening for Washington in order to see you in relation to the affair. This Mr. Kimball I have never before heard of, and have no evidence of his loyalty or of his want of it. Mr. Thaxter, the gentleman who received the letter, has great confidence in his brother’s statements.
Wishing for our arms success equal to that in the olden time, when the war cry was, “ The sword of the Lord and of Gideon,”
I am, dear sir, yours, truly,
Henry Wenzell.
Hon.Gideon Welles,

Secretary Navy, U. S. A., Washington.

  1. The Enoch Train will be converted into an ironclad and commissioned as CSS Manassas.
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