April 18, 1863, Savannah Republican (Georgia)
Col. Foster’s Report under the $1,500,000 appropriations for clothing the Georgia troops, shows up to the 25th […..] March last he had issued on requisitions from Confederate Quartermasters, 4,648 hats, 4,556 coats, 5,288 pair pants, 4,858 pair drawers, 5,449 shirts, 6371 socks, 5,744 pairs shoes. He had then on hand 129 hats, 7,273 coats, 9,237 [?] pair pants, 11,867 pair drawers, 10,400 shirts, 1,976 pair socks, 5,878 pairs shoes. Also 12,983 yards osnaburgs, 18,850 yards shirtings, 6,410 yards kersey, 970 yards duck, 35,068 pounds leather. Expenditures and contract engagements to date amounted to $1,200,000. If it is intended to clothe the troops during the war he asks a further appropriation. He has purchased and is tanning several thousand pounds of green hides, and has sent agents to Savannah, Vicksburg and Texas to buy hides, leather and wool. The noble women of Georgia have responded patriotically in furnishing socks, and they are daily coming in.