Civil War

Seneca Rangers

January 12, 1861, The Charleston Mercury

By letters from Anderson District, we learn that the gallant yeomanry of the up-country are no laggards in maintaining the honor and glory of the State, but are rapidly arming and forming themselves into companies. Below we give a list of the officers of the ‘Seneca Rangers, ‘a corps of mounted men, armed and equipped at their own expense, whose services have been tendered to the Governor, and who are eager to have a hand in the picture’ in sustaining the rights of South Carolina against the sectional bandit war waged against here. The officers of the Seneca Rangers are: THOMAS HALL, Captain; F.E. HARRISON, First Lieutenant; F.C.V. BORSDEL, Second Lieutenant; C. C. LANGSTON, Cornet: Rev. W.E. WALTERS, Chaplain; Dr. WALLER NARDIN, Surgeon; Jo. BERRY SLOAN, Orderly Sergeant.

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