News of the Day

Secession Flag Captured.

Daily Times
Leavenworth, Kansas
June 5, 1861

Twelve men belonging to the Steuben Guards and the Governor’s Guards, of Elwood, left Camp Lincoln on Monday night, arrived in Kickapoo at 12 o’clock, seized two skiffs, and crossed the river, landing above Iatan. Early yesterday morning they sent two of their number to Iatan, for the purpose of ‘reconnoitering,” who reported that the secession flag, which for some time has floated over the place, was in Capt. Bennett’s store. The men waited until the obnoxious banner was flung to the breeze, from the flag staff in the public square, and then marched into town, under command of Sergeant Drenning, of the Elwood Company. They halted in front of Bennett’s establishment, and demanded that the flag should be torn down. He asked them by what authority they made the demand, to which they replied by presenting their minie rifles, with sword bayonets. They then marched to the flag staff, took down the treasonable emblem, and cut it loose from the ropes. Meantime Bennett had retired into the store, and armed himself with a double-barreled shot-gun and revolver.
As the Kansas boys were preparing to march off, he opened the store door, discharged his piece at them, and immediately closed the door. Messrs. Voedt and Umfried having been shot, the fire was immediately returned, when a number of Bennett’s confederates joined in the attack, under cover of the store-building. The Kansas men then discharged all their pieces at the house, and retired, taking the flag with them. They returned in the same way they went, and reached their quarters at 2 o’clock yesterday. Two members of the Elwood company were wounded, besides the two others above mentioned, who belong to the Steuben Guards. They received only flesh wounds, and their injuries are not serious. It is not known whether any of their assailants were hurt.
The captured flag is sixteen feet long, and ten feet wide. The soldiers seem to regard such articles as “contraband of war.”

Daily Times
Leavenworth, Kansas
June 5, 1861

Since the Iatan traitor flag was captured, another one has been erected at that place, on which is inscribed the word “Secession.”
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