April 8, 1863, Arkansas True Democrat (Little Rock)
For the True Democrat.
Mr. Editor:
Through the kindness of Dr. Headley, the head surgeon of Gen. McRae’s brigade, I had the pleasure a few days since of visiting the regimental hospitals of that brigade. For temporary encampments I regard these hospitals as models of the best kind. They are substantial log cabins, containing two rooms about 18 feet square, divided by a passage, with a good fire place to each. These rooms have closely chinked walls, good plank floors and are well ventilated above. The roofing is such as to most effectually exclude the rain. Not more than six patients are allowed to occupy the same room. Each regiment has its own hospital located at a distance from the others upon the best site near the camps. In a separate cabin there is a kitchen attached to each hospital, cooks are detailed to prepare, under the direction of a physician, such articles of diet as are suitable for the sick. So neat and well ventilated were the sick apartments, that on entering them I could not discover the presence of any vitiated air.–These hospitals have more than realized the results anticipated. The per cent. of mortality is far less than that reported under any of the various plans hitherto adopted.
These gratifying results are chiefly due to the good sense and humanity of Gen. McRae, and the unretiring skill and energy of Dr. Headley, his brigade surgeon.
I have sent you this meager sketch for publication, to assure loved ones at home who have friends in the service under command of General McRae, that they have better medical advice, more skillful nursing, and as many of the comforts of the sick as these hard times would furnish them at home.
A Citizen.
Little Rock, March 18th, 1863.