February 18th.–Rained last night; but this is as lovely a morning as ever dawned on earth. A gentle southern breeze, a cloudless sky, and a glorious morning sun, whose genial warmth dispels the moisture of the late showers in smoky vapors.
But how dark and dismal the aspect of our military affairs! Columbia fallen and Charleston (of course) evacuated. My wife wept, my daughter prayed, upon hearing the news. South Carolina was superior to all the States in the estimation of my wife, and she regarded it as the last stronghold. Now she despairs, and seems reckless of whatever else may happen in Sherman’s career of conquest.
A dispatch to Gen. Bragg states that Thomas’s army (the ubiquitous) is landing at Newbern, N. C.! This is to cut Lee’s communications and strike at Raleigh perhaps.
The people are stunned and sullen; sometimes execrating the President for retaining a cabinet in which the country has no confidence, etc.
One hundred for one is asked for gold.
The President was at work very early this morning making appointments in the army. But that does no good to the cause, I fear. A sufficient number of men must be placed in the ranks, or there will be no military success.
The Senate has passed a bill abolishing the “Bureau of Conscription,” and it is now before the House. That is one step in the right direction. Hon. J. Goode yesterday made a speech in favor of its abolition, in which he said 150,000 men had been “handled” by the bureau during the last twelve months, and only 13,000 had been sent to the army! But it did not pass–no vote was taken; it is to be hoped it will pass to-day.
It is rumored that the “money-printing machine” was lost at Columbia, including a large amount of “treasure”–if Confederate Treasury notes be worthy that appellation.