January 16th.–Clear and frosty.
We learn vaguely that the attack on the defenses of Wilmington has been progressing since Friday, and that the enemy’s land forces have effected a lodgment between Fort Fisher and the town.
Another “peace” visitor has arrived–Hon. Mr. Singleton, of the United States Congress. It is said that the President (Confederate States) has pledged himself to appoint commissioners to fix terms of peace. This is but a forlorn-hope. No terms of peace are contemplated by any of these visitors but on the basis of reconstruction; and their utmost liberality could reach no further than a permission for the Southern States to decide, in convention, the question of emancipation. The President having suggested, however, the propriety of putting the negroes into the service, and emancipating them afterward, has aroused the fears and suspicions of many of the people; and but few have confidence in the integrity of the Secretary of State. Hence the universal gloom and despondency of the croakers. There may be difficulty in replenishing the Federal armies, and they may be depleted by spring; and if so, Gen. Lee may be able to make another grand campaign with the men and material now at his command. The issue of the next campaign may inaugurate real negotiations. Wilmington may be taken, blockade-running may cease; but we have ammunition and other stores for another campaign.
At last we have a dispatch from Gen. Lee, announcing the fall of Fort Fisher. Most of the garrison, supposed to be 1500, were taken.
Gold was $70 for $1 on Saturday: what will it be to-day or tomorrow?
A voluminous correspondence is going on between Mr. Conrad (secret agent to arrest disloyal men endeavoring to cross the Potomac) and Mr. Secretary Seddon. Mr. Foote, arrested by their great skill, has applied, indignantly, for a writ of habeas corpus. Thus the time of our great dignitaries is consumed removing molehills, while mountains are looming up everywhere.
The following dispatch was received here at 11 A.M. to-day from Gen. Bragg’s A. D. C.: “January 15th, 1865.–Official information from Gen. Whiting, at Fort Fisher, up to 8 o’clock this evening, reports enemy’s attack on fort unsuccessful. Fresh troops are being sent to him.”
This does not agree with the dispatch from Gen. Lee. It must have been taken last night, and after the hour indicated. Gen. Lee certainly says it has fallen. It is gone, and I fear the “reinforcements” also–with Gen. Whiting “to boot.”
Alas for Bragg the unfortunate! He seems to be another Boabdil the Unlucky.
Dr. Woodbridge announced in the Monumental Church, yesterday, that only five ladies had responded to the call to knit socks for the soldiers! A rich congregation, too. My daughters (poor) were among the five, and handed him several pairs. They sent one pair to their cousin S. Custis, Clingman’s brigade, Hoke’s North Carolina division.
Mr. Lewis, disbursing clerk of Post-Office Department, has sent in a communication asking an investigation of the conduct of Mr. Peck, agent to buy supplies for clerks. What will Mr. Seddon do now?
The Commissary-General says 100,000 bushels corn for Lee’s army may be got in Southwest Virginia.