A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary at the Confederate States Capital, By John Beauchamp Jones

A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary

A likeness of Jones when he was editor and majority owner of the Daily Madisonian during President John Tyler’s administration.

October 22d.–Cloudy; rained last night. 2 P.M.–Cold, and prospects of snow.

The news of Early’s disaster, and loss of artillery at Strasburg, is confirmed, and casts a new vexation over the country.

Mr. M. Byrd, Selma, Ala., is addressing some bold letters to the President on the blunders of the administration.

Gen. Longstreet has resumed command of the first army corps.

G. W. Custis Lee (son of the general) has been made a major-general.

There was no fighting below yesterday, that I have heard of.

Gold, which was $1 for $30 in Confederate States notes, commands $35 for $1 to-day, under the news from the Valley. Yet our sagacious statesmen regard the re-election of Lincoln (likely to follow our reverses) as favorable to independence, though it may prolong the war. It is thought there will certainly be revolution or civil war in the North, if the Democrats be beaten; and that will relieve us of the vast armies precipitated on our soil. Many of the faint-hearted croakers are anxious for peace and reconstruction.

Gen. Butler, called “the Beast” by the press, has certainly performed a generous action. Messrs. McRae and Henley, two government clerks in the local battalion, wandered into the enemy’s lines, and were put to work in the canal by Gen. Butler, who had been informed that we made some prisoners taken from him work on the fortifications. This was done but a short time, when they were relieved; and Mr. McRae was permitted to return to the city, to learn whether the Federal prisoners were really required to perform the labor named. No restrictions were imposed on him, no parole required. He came with Gen. B.’s passport, but felt in honor bound to communicate no intelligence, and voluntarily returned to captivity. We had Federal prisoners at work, but they were remanded to prison.

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