Valley Spirit
(Franklin, PA)
April 24, 1861
“Every man in the community should set his house in order and be ready to meet any event, and assume any duty, that may be required of him in the present struggle to maintain the Constitution and Laws of his country.–The danger is at hand, even at our very doors, and before everything we hold near and dear as patriots is snatched from us we should take the stand that will encourage the timid and cheer on the brave. A formidable band of traitors have broken up the Union and made war against the government. While we considered them friends we battled for their rights in the Union, but when they determine to break up the Union and array themselves as enemies against us, we are their enemies. They are no longer of our household but enemies up in arms against us. Let us then be up and doing and crush the monster before it crushes us. Let us be watchful on every side and allow no man to slumber at his post while the flag of his country is in danger. Let the watch-word of all be— ”READY, AIM, FIRE.”