[Little Rock] Daily State Journal, October 31, 1861
of the
Daily State Journal.
Conducted by Thos. C. Peek.
A Daily Newspaper, to be published regularly, in the city of Little Rock, Ark., under the editorial management and control of Thos. C. Peek, is commenced to-day, October 31st, 1861. It is intended to make the JOURNAL a first-class news and political paper; to fill its columns with good, substantial reading matter, and to pay especial attention to the collection of NEWS from every available quarter–telegraphic, local, commercial, river and foreign.
In politics the paper will be decidedly Southern in its tone–not only defending the right of Secession, but justifying the causes which led to it, and advocating the necessity of a total and perpetual separation from the North as the only feasible means of securing the rights, freedom and independence of the South. The JOURNAL will be no subservient partisan sheet, but on the contrary a free and independent paper–its object to secure the greatest good to the greatest number, and to break down all corrupt political combinations which seek to advance the interests of a few at the expense of the many.