Civil War


1860s newsprint

March 25, 1863, Galveston Weekly News

 Like most of our contemporaries, we are compelled to advance our terms of subscription, not for the purpose of increasing profits, but to save ourselves from loss. Having now to pay for white paper just about fifteen times the price when our terms of subscription were established, our readers will readily see the utter impossibility of continuing the same rates. We had hoped, ere this, to have received paper long since sent for by a special agent, and that the cost would not have been so high as to make this advance necessary.  But we now see no immediate prospect of getting the paper we have been looking for, and the increasing scarcity and cost of paper even east of the Mississippi, and the enormous charges for transportation, with all the attendant difficulties and delays, will probably bring that paper, when it arrives, (even if it ever does,) nearly to the price we are now paying.  Subscriptions from this date to the Tri-Weekly News will be charged $12 per year, or at the same rate quarterly, and for the Weekly News $5, always in advance, and present subscribers will be charged the same when the time for which they have paid has expired.  We should state for the information of subscribers in arrear that they will be charged at the above rates from this date, and if they wish the paper discontinued, they have only to notify us and pay up all arrears.

 We have now made arrangements by which we believe the News will always give its patrons all the important and reliable intelligence from the seat of war and elsewhere, at the earliest possible moment.  We have been subject to many embarrassments, as our readers are generally aware, from heavy losses by the war, by fire and otherwise, but by the continual support of our patrons and our own unceasing labors, we hope not only to be able to continue our paper through the war, but to improve it from time to time.

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