War of the Rebellion: from the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies and Navies

“…we cannot stand a siege against any organized army, and therefore should be re-enforced immediately.”—Operations in Florida

January 15, 1861.

SIR: In consequence of the secession of this State and the seizure of the forts and arsenals in other Southern States. I have moved my command to Fort Taylor, and shall defend it to the last moment against any force attempting to capture it. I have four months’ provisions and 70,000 gallons water, but we cannot stand a siege against any organized army, and therefore should be re-enforced immediately. Two vessels of war should be stationed here to protect the entrance to the harbor and prevent a landing beyond the range of my guns. Mail facilities having ceased through Florida, all orders for this post should be sent via Havana from New York through the American consul.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

J. M. BRANNAN, ……..
Captain, First Artillery, Commanding.

……….Assistant Adjutant-General, Dept. of the East, Troy, N. Y.

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