March 13, 1861; The New York Herald
Before the accession of the Lincoln administration the black republican journals, the Tribune more especially, devoted the greater portion of their time to abusing Mr. Buchanan, whom they accused of cowardice in the matter of the Southern confederacy. Mr. Buchanan, said these sanguinary persons, should proceed at once to reinforce Forts Sumter and Pickens, to retake the federal property seized by the seceders, and otherwise to vindicate the honor of the national flag. This cry was kept up day after day, and week after week, the same old song, with a major strain to the effect that when Lincoln was sworn in we should see a different order of things. Then the South would be invaded by large numbers of Zouaves from the prairies, and fishermen from the codfish States. Then the hardy sons of the North would cause the vaunted Southern chivalry to bite the dust. Then the world was to be made to understand that the government still existed, that the star spangled banner still waved over South Carolina as well as Kansas, and that the scream of the American eagle was as effective upon the levee at New Orleans as among the forests of Maine. The new Caesar set out from Springfield with a grand suite. He travelled like a conqueror, receiving the homage of the vanquished from Springfield to Harrisburg, when suddenly he put on warlike integuments, in the shape of the cap which belongs to the Cameron clan–and which, as we all know, has been always in the front of the battle–and a long military cloak, which must have belonged to the hero of Lundy Lane and Chippewa. Thus equipped–we might say armed–cap – a – pie, Lincoln arrived in Washington, and was inaugurated under the protection of Divine Providence and the most effective artillery in the service. Of course his next duty was to carry out the war programme, as laid down by his organs; and by leading the forces in person he might have given the Scotch cap and military cloak historic fame second only to that of Napolean’s cocked hat and gray surtout. But no; the new administration was not equal to the occasion, or else they have assumed the Garrison platform, that the southern States are not wanted in the Union. At any rate, they are going a step beyond Mr. Buchanan’s limit, and intend, according to their organs, to withdraw the federal troops from the forts in Charleston and Pensacola harbors. It is quite evident that Old Abe still wears the Cameron cap and the long military cloak, but he has turned them to uses other than those to which they have been accustomed. The cue has been taken up by all hands. Suddenly the leonine Greeley has become as quiet as a lamb, and all the fighting Wide Awakes, Zouaves and what not, have joined the Peace Society, and have taken to studying the New Testament. Verily, it is edifying to see this childlike simplicity and almost feminine distaste for blood. The Scriptural prophecy has been verified at last. Swords have been beaten into pruning hooks and shields in to ploughshares. The lion lies down with the lamb, and the serpent lodges in the dovecote. Where is the Chevalier Webb?