New York Times


The New York Times, May 10, 1860

The Indians on the Texas Frontier Still Troublesome;
A Blacksmith and Three Men Murdered.

SPRINGFIELD, MO., Wednesday, May 9.

The Overland Mail-coach, with Lieut. COGSWELL, U.S.A., Dr. J.P. BECK, H.B. PALMER and Mr. and Mrs. ARNOLD as passengers, and San Francisco dates to the 20th of April, arrived here at 4 P.M.

The California news was anticipated by the Pony Express.

By this arrival, we have news from the frontiers of Texas, obtained from Lieut. COGSWELL and Dr. BECK. They report the Indians very troublesome in the vicinity of Mustang Pond and between Mountain Pass Station and Phantom Hill. A blacksmith in the employ of ice[1] Overland Mail Company, and three men living at Mountain Pass, were murdered by the Commanches.

The day before the stage passed there 13 Indians stopped at Mustang Pond and committed sundry depredations upon the whites. The scout for this stage saw some bands of Indians at the latter place looking with eager eyes towards the coach, and the passengers prepared themselves for a fight, but the red skins were too wary, and it did not become necessary to fire upon them.

Col. SAINT LEROY had started on a tour to select a site for Fort Butler.

Major RUFF had been ordered, with fire companies of rifles, to take the field immediately against the Kiowas and Camanches. His depot was at For Butler.

Several ranging companies were out in the vicinity of Jackborough.

[1] Possibly Camp Rice Station on the Overland Mail Company route.  I couldn’t find any reference for an “ice Overland Mail Company.” This is probably an artifact of The New York Times OCR process.  MpG 5/8/20

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