February 14, 1861; The New York Herald
The Joint Committee of the Common Council, specially appointed to make arrangements for extending the hospitalities of the city to Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States elect, on his arrival here, held their first meeting yesterday afternoon. Alderman Cornell presided, and Aldermen Barry and Smith, and Councilmen Gross and Stevenson were present. The meeting, like the majority of the committee meetings of the Common Council, when any subject of importance or interest to the public is before them, was a private one – the newspaper reporters being excluded from it. The Clerk, however, supplied the following information in reference to the proceedings of the committee after its adjournment.
Alderman SMITH moved to invite the Mayor to participate in the proceedings of the committee and give them his cooperation. The motion being carried, Alderman Barry was appointed to inform the Mayor of this action on the part of the committee, and the Mayor signified his acceptance of the invitation, and soon afterwards appeared in the meeting. Alderman Barry and Councilman Stevenson were appointed a Committee on Conveyances.
On motion of Councilman STEVENSON it was agreed that the Committee of the Common Council should proceed to Albany on Monday morning next to meet the President elect there, and tender to him the hospitalities of the city of New York in the name of the city government.
Alderman SMITH moved that the resolution which passed the Common Council tendering the hospitalities of the city to President Lincoln on his arrival here be engrossed. The motion was carried.
The Committee then adjourned till today at three o’clock P.M.