February 7, 1861; The Charleston Mercury
The Aetna Guard, Capt. E. F. SWEEGAN, were out in full force yesterday on a target excursion. The corps comprises the members of the Aetna Fire Engine Company, and have been mustered into the military service of South Carolina within the last month. The uniform is a grey pea jacket, trimmed with red, grey pants, and the kept with the initials A.E.G. in gilt letters on the front. They passed our office in the afternoon under escort of the Charleston Riflemen, Capt. JOS. JOHNSON in command of the battalion, both companies appearing to great advantage. Our Firemen have taken wonderfully well to the military profession, and have added much to the military strength of the city by this patriotic course.
The Zouaves, Lieutenant CHICHESTER commanding, were out fully equipped for special service yesterday afternoon. Their picturesque uniform, with the scarlet blanket on the knapsack, adds greatly….