19 August
Things go on very successfully. The Southern forces have beaten the Union Army in the West. William was made one of the prize commissioners and went to North Carolina to see after a prize. He placed seals on it and took possession and returned home,—rather a fatiguing journey to Beaufort on the Coast. Since his return the Governor of N. C. has taken possession, too, so the matter has to be decided in Court. W. might get 1 or 2 hundred dollars for his work:—perhaps he will only have his expenses paid. There is much fever all over the Country now, and also in the City, Typhoid. The accounts from the Army are that 20 thousand troops are ill & wounded &c., and that the South Carolina troops are the worst provided & the North Carolina the best. The Counties are assessed in that State & the men provided in that way. There was a sad accident on Sulivan’s Island, Mr Tom Porcher trying to save his niece while bathing was drowned, also the young lady, Miss Ellen White, 14 years old.—
Papa writes that he has been suffering from his gout.—