Journal of Meta Morris Grimball

The news from Virginia is rather warlike

Meta Morris Grimball

10 [June]

       We got on as usual, the weather is very warm. The war progresses slowly and not always satisfactorily.—Elizabeth had Miss Aiken, the Manigaults to tea, Mrs Vanderhorst & Mrs Wayne.—Mrs V. has given several parties the last very handsome. Miss Adele is the attraction, Mr Arnold the beau, William thinks it promises very fair. A. Vanderhorst has gone to the War, hoping to be made aid to B. Gen. Bee.—There have been sailing parties and Evening parties.—

       The news from Virginia is rather warlike, we are all the time kept anxious about the state of affairs but time seems just to strengthen the cause of the South, and make it more probable that we shall succeed.—

       I had a visit from Mrs Trenholm yesterday evening and found her very pleasant. She spoke kindly about my sons, said they were so well considered in the community and that Arthur was an honest high toned young man. Mr T. said so & he knew for he had business transactions with him. All this was very pleasant to me.—

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