Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.

Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft.

Washington Oct 11th 1864

The State Election in P.a. Ohio & Indiana “comes off” today and excite much interest as the result in those States will indicate pretty surely what will be the result there in Nov. I have been down to the Republican Head Qrs on 9th St but no news had been rcd up to 9 o’clock. No very important War news has been rcd the past week. There has been some fighting near Richmond and also in the Shenandoah Valley. Genl Sheridan has fallen back down the Valley and is now probably near Winchester. He has met with no Serious losses but captured many prisoners and 25 or Thirty Cannon, Defeating the rebels in all important engagements. Genl Grant it is thought will make an onslaught on Richmond soon. I think in a week or so, at least before the 1st Nov. It is the genl impression now that Mr Lincoln will be re-Elected by a large majority. If that should be so, and it is seen that it is the settled determination of the Govt to put down the rebellion, to Continue the War until the rebels submit and lay down their arms, I think the rebel leaders will see the folly of resisting and will submit before New Years. In fact I do not believe they can continue the War much longer for the Want of men. The Draft to make out the 300,000 men is now proceeding peaceably all over the loyal States and the Regiments have been arriving at their destinations for a month past, far the larger portion of the 300,000 are Volunteers. There is no Draft in some of the States. The High Bounties have called out men enough to fill their quotas. The rebel strength in men is diminishing every day and they cannot recruit.

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